FJR lean angle

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Hopefully I have explained this well enough so you can understand. If not, I can keep trying.
I am pretty sure I got this one figured out already. Best of luck with whatever you decide.

Then please do share. Enlighten us.
Please take a moment or two of your time to re-read my posts to this thread, #31 and #64. At that point, I was truly trying to be helpful.

To summarize what we have now:

Glory: I don't like my FJR anymore, help.

Forum: You don't know how to ride.

Glory: I know how to ride. Real fast.

Forum: You don't know how to set up your suspension.

Glory: I know how to set up my suspension.

Forum: You are a bad person because you don't love the FJR! You must ride like this and you must set up your suspension like this or you suck!

Glory: Why are you mad at me? I am invincible, I can ride as fast as I want on the street and nothing bad can happen to me! Why can't you just answer my question?

Forum: (There is silence, crickets can be heard chirping in the background)

This thing probably started off with good intentions, but since you got advice you did not ask for with very few legitimate answers to your original question, it went way south. Please tell me that this made you laugh just a little, I hope something happens to put this back on track. I agree with you about GixxerJasen, he seems like a great guy. For my part, I am sitting here waiting for Jeremy Burgess and Valentino Rossi to call me for advice on how to beat Casey Stoner one last time.

Hopefully I have explained this well enough so you can understand. If not, I can keep trying.
I am pretty sure I got this one figured out already. Best of luck with whatever you decide.

Then please do share. Enlighten us.
Please take a moment or two of your time to re-read my posts to this thread, #31 and #64. At that point, I was truly trying to be helpful.

To summarize what we have now:

Glory: I don't like my FJR anymore, help.

Forum: You don't know how to ride.

Glory: I know how to ride. Real fast.

Forum: You don't know how to set up your suspension.

Glory: I know how to set up my suspension.

Forum: You are a bad person because you don't love the FJR! You must ride like this and you must set up your suspension like this or you suck!

Glory: Why are you mad at me? I am invincible, I can ride as fast as I want on the street and nothing bad can happen to me! Why can't you just answer my question?

Forum: (There is silence, crickets can be heard chirping in the background)

This thing probably started off with good intentions, but since you got advice you did not ask for with very few legitimate answers to your original question, it went way south. Please tell me that this made you laugh just a little, I hope something happens to put this back on track. I agree with you about GixxerJasen, he seems like a great guy. For my part, I am sitting here waiting for Jeremy Burgess and Valentino Rossi to call me for advice on how to beat Casey Stoner one last time.
Yep, that explains it. Thanx for the summary.

I agree with you about GixxerJasen, he seems like a great guy.
This forum is a fickle bunch. In one thread I'm a great guy for keeping things on track, in another I'm the guy who's the problem taking the thread way off topic. :D I don't know whether I'm coming or going now. Can we all just get a group hug?

I agree with you about GixxerJasen, he seems like a great guy.
This forum is a fickle bunch. In one thread I'm a great guy for keeping things on track, in another I'm the guy who's the problem taking the thread way off topic. :D I don't know whether I'm coming or going now. Can we all just get a group hug?

There will be no hugging!

Glory, I had nothing to do with this cartoon. I have been thinking about this one a great deal and I am not happy with the results so far. I love to ride in Arkansas, although I don't like to ride fast. I would not ever want to think that if I meet a fellow motorcyclist, FJR pilot or not, he might hit me with a 2X4 as soon as I introduce myself. I would hope that this silliness can stop before someone gets bent out of shape over nothing. I sincerely hope that you find a bike that makes you happy, please keep in mind that most of those who responded, myself included, were truly trying to help you.

Glory, I had nothing to do with this cartoon. I have been thinking about this one a great deal and I am not happy with the results so far. I love to ride in Arkansas, although I don't like to ride fast. I would not ever want to think that if I meet a fellow motorcyclist, FJR pilot or not, he might hit me with a 2X4 as soon as I introduce myself. I would hope that this silliness can stop before someone gets bent out of shape over nothing. I sincerely hope that you find a bike that makes you happy, please keep in mind that most of those who responded, myself included, were truly trying to help you.
Dude, what are you talking about??? There is absolutely nothing for you to worry about at all and nothing for anyone to get bent out of shape about. This whole thread, with the exception of a few posts, has been quite entertaining. Hell, I gave up on it shortly after I realized I poked the beloved FJR in the title. This just makes it even better! Hell, I can't wait for the movie!!! My new catch phrase is, "I wanna ride fast!"

And besides, you are off base once again because I carry a .38 on the bike, not a 2x4!

Remember, this is just one little forum on the internet and most type a lot better than they ride. Don't take any of it too seriously!

Come on up to AR anytime and I would be honored to show you how you too can go fast and not be good. It is actually quite a joyous way to ride.

I am an FJR rider and I type better than I ride.

Before I rode an FJR, I rode a bicycle. My FJR makes loud engine noises and goes too fast for me. How do you make it scrape pegs? Isn't that dangerous!

Anyways, I hope to someday learn how to lean this heavy thing without it falling over on me!

I am an FJR rider and I type better than I ride.

Before I rode an FJR, I rode a bicycle. My FJR makes loud engine noises and goes too fast for me. How do you make it scrape pegs? Isn't that dangerous!

Anyways, I hope to someday learn how to lean this heavy thing without it falling over on me!
Finally out of the closet are ya!

Yes scraping pegs on the FJR is dangerous. I would suggest you get a bike with better lean angle. Then you can not be good and ride fast too! I do not yet have an approved list of what that bike may be...but responses are coming.

Glory, I had nothing to do with this cartoon. I have been thinking about this one a great deal and I am not happy with the results so far. I love to ride in Arkansas, although I don't like to ride fast. I would not ever want to think that if I meet a fellow motorcyclist, FJR pilot or not, he might hit me with a 2X4 as soon as I introduce myself. I would hope that this silliness can stop before someone gets bent out of shape over nothing. I sincerely hope that you find a bike that makes you happy, please keep in mind that most of those who responded, myself included, were truly trying to help you.
Dude, what are you talking about??? There is absolutely nothing for you to worry about at all and nothing for anyone to get bent out of shape about. This whole thread, with the exception of a few posts, has been quite entertaining. Hell, I gave up on it shortly after I realized I poked the beloved FJR in the title. This just makes it even better! Hell, I can't wait for the movie!!! My new catch phrase is, "I wanna ride fast!"

And besides, you are off base once again because I carry a .38 on the bike, not a 2x4!

Remember, this is just one little forum on the internet and most type a lot better than they ride. Don't take any of it too seriously!

Come on up to AR anytime and I would be honored to show you how you too can go fast and not be good. It is actually quite a joyous way to ride.
I certainly type better than I ride. The only curves close to me tight enough to scrape the floorboards on a Harley are the Exit Ramps on I-10. I have to visit a parking lot if I want to drag something on my ST. I did not care for your hair in the movie and frankly did not think the actor fit your personality. I will be back to Arkansas, but I am too conditioned to Flatlandistan to try to follow a local on his home roads. Especially one who "Rides fast, but not good".

I also carry a .38 when on the bike away from home but I am not sure I can shoot it any better than I can ride. I'd probably be more dangerous with a 2X4, unless I had to swing it more than twice. Then I would be too out of breath.

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This question was simply asked on the wrong forum. I'm an ex-sportbike rider and have belonged to a local sportbike forum for years. Had you asked the exact same thing on there, the responses would have been far different.

I think a 990 Superduke would rock your world. All the benefits of a sportbike without the "ass higher than the hands" riding position.

That cartoon thing was pretty good. I didn't know things like that existed. I like how the "voice of reason" is a dork in a suit. He looks like a Honda type. :evil: No offense intended to any of you mild-mannered riders out there.

This question was simply asked on the wrong forum. I'm an ex-sportbike rider and have belonged to a local sportbike forum for years. Had you asked the exact same thing on there, the responses would have been far different.

I think a 990 Superduke would rock your world. All the benefits of a sportbike without the "ass higher than the hands" riding position.

That cartoon thing was pretty good. I didn't know things like that existed. I like how the "voice of reason" is a dork in a suit. He looks like a Honda type. :evil: No offense intended to any of you mild-mannered riders out there.
I think most everyone understands that. OK...some. It is a sport TOURING forum. But in fairness to the forum, If I had asked the question differently and initially included some disclaimers, the responses probably would have been different as well. It has been fun though!

Thanx for the 990 suggestion. Adventure bikes keep coming up so I guess I am going to have to attempt to figure them out as well. That will give me something to do this summer when it is to frickin hot. We raced KTM's in the dirt for several years and they performed very well...Actually liked them better than the Jap bikes.

If I ever drag a peg on the FJ, I'll be heading back to the house to change underwear. :blink:

Thanx for the 990 suggestion. Adventure bikes keep coming up so I guess I am going to have to attempt to figure them out as well. That will give me something to do this summer when it is to frickin hot. We raced KTM's in the dirt for several years and they performed very well...Actually liked them better than the Jap bikes.
No no no, not adventure bike.

990ADV = adventure bike

990SMR = Hooligan bike

990SMT = Hooligan Touring bike.

Got it!?!? :D

To GR, good on yah for having a sense of humor!

and to the video producer? :yahoo:

That's some funny shit right there!

Hey GR, post up some video of you riding? I'd love to compare it to GR's (Georgia Roller, IIRC) as that boy can ride too. Then I'll compare that to Highlander, HaulinAhe, Fairlaner, and a few other buds, in an honest comparo.

One one ride, TwoWheelNut mentioned that while RenoJohn was layed way over, my bike was almost vertical, same corner. At first, I thought this was an insult..... then, I understood.

The fjr is a fat pig, no doubt, as compared to true sport bikes.

She wallows in the mud if ridden 'sport'.

She excels if ridden 'sport-touring'

With Grand Prix Suspension, fresh every year, I *can* drag hard parts, but really have to try.

Yes, I feel each road seam and ripple, but I can adjust it out for the long soft boring I-state rides.

How much suspension tuning experience do you really have? Just askin', bless your heart. ;)

I enjoy the 'touches' but now rarely frequent the right-left touch in immediate subsequent corners.

Yes, I'm old. And fragile.

Hey, wanna ride?


If I ever drag a peg on the FJ, I'll be heading back to the house to change underwear. :blink:
It's just a little grinding noise. Being able to use ALL of your available lean angle is like being able to use ALL of your brakes. You don't want the first time you do it to be out of necessity. People practice the braking. The leaning, not so much.

One of the most common single bike wrecks in the canyons is like so: rider enters corner and thinks he is too hot. They lean as far as they are comfortable, but they are still swinging wide. They panic, stand the bike up, and ride into the shoulder (hopefully there is a shoulder!). 10 out 10 times, they could have leaned the bike over WAY farther and easily made the corner. The bike is way better than the brain thinks it is.

I know I am not out of tire yet when my pegs touch down. It's just a noise that let's me know I am coming to the end of my available clearance. I actually still have more, as indicated my the responders who have dragged other things beyond the pegs, yet still not crashed.

Anyway, I advocate learning to lean the bike at least as far as it takes to touch the pegs. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be hauling ass to drag pegs, you just gotta lean more. You can scrape them in roundabouts at 30 mph if you want. Practicing this will not only give you more margin, but will train your brain to not panic when the situation comes up and you need these skills to avoid a crash.

I may be wrong, but I doubt it! (cred to Sir Charles).
