FJR lean angle

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Hey GR, post up some video of you riding? I'd love to compare it to GR's (Georgia Roller, IIRC) as that boy can ride too. Then I'll compare that to Highlander, HaulinAhe, Fairlaner, and a few other buds, in an honest comparo.
I rode once with Fairlaner and that guys hauls the mail. He never hangs off like I do, but still flys. I kept up with him for about 10 miles before I was warn out passing cars. He does have an aftermarket suspension which helps.

Here I am going up Hwy 33 out of Ojai with stock suspension (set stiff though with extra fluid in the forks). Marginal technique I admit, but I kept up with the sportbike guys.


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Hey GR, post up some video of you riding? I'd love to compare it to GR's (Georgia Roller, IIRC) as that boy can ride too. Then I'll compare that to Highlander, HaulinAhe, Fairlaner, and a few other buds, in an honest comparo.
He never hangs off like I do, but still flys.

Bingo! This is all I am wanting to do...although flying is not really necessary either. My new catch phrase is "I want to ride fast". It is not "I want to ride as fast as humanly possible on this here machine! My current pace is about as fast as I want to go on the streets. Could better technique help the dragging situation...I think someone said yes to that! Would it be safer...noone has stated yes yet, so I am not sure? But draggin a knee and trying to go as fast as I can is just not currently how I prefer to ride. I enjoy riding with my butt in the seat. If that means you can be fast but not good...I want to be fast, not good. Additionally, I like butter pecan ice cream too. However, I do understand that vanilla is the most popular and what I should be eating

It really is not about what someone else brought up..."you must be faster and better than everyone else". I am sure that the mentioned respected members probably ride with better technique and faster. But remember, I do not want to ride faster. "I want to ride fast'! So not sure a video comparison would benefit. However, one of my riding buddies did try to get some video last year, but it didnt' work out. If I had it I'd post it just for shits and giggles. Also, I recently heard that a video was the incriminating piece of evidence in a ridiulous law suite settlement. (what BS) Not so sure I want any video's from the streets! It seems some are concerned about my technique and interested in what the pace of "I want to ride fast" actually means. I have been on several of the FJR, FZ1, MSSR and MSTA rides. So until we can actually ride together, which I hope is soon, guess you will just have to talk to someone. SFO is next weekend and the weather forecast is good...come on out and play.

Regarding suspension setup, I need all the help I can get as I never have been able to dial it it to where I could state, "woo hoo boy...that thing corners like it is on rails!"

GP suspension set up the Penske based on my info and suggested the correct heavier springs for the forks. Setting the sag and then trial and error with the clickers is all I can do. Being a do all machine and riding 2up probably doesn't help either.

Yes we are having some fun with this...but please remember to ride your pace and within your limits. This morning on 123 I pulled an upside down bike off of its rider in a 10 foot deep ditch. Not fun! Fortunately he was not seriously injured. It was only 10am and already 88 degrees so I decided to just pack it in.

Also, I recently heard that a video was the incriminating piece of evidence in a ridiulous law suite settlement. (what BS) Not so sure I want any video's from the streets!
That is why I never post up my speeds. I hope the speedometer of the filming motorcycle is too hard to read! :lol: Hanging off is only safer if metal is scraping or if you are really maxed out and need the extra contact patch on the tire. I just enjoy riding that way and it makes me faster as I can see through the turns better. All this talk makes me want to go out and ride tomorrow, as today the wife and I took out the dirtbikes and now I am tired.

It sucks getting old. :blink:

So long story short, set your suspension stiffer (set to hard on the stock shock and using Haulingashe's compression and rebound settings) and see if you still drag. I do not drag anymore but I also have adjustable pegs set to up and back.

One of the most common single bike wrecks in the canyons is like so: rider enters corner and thinks he is too hot. They lean as far as they are comfortable, but they are still swinging wide. They panic, stand the bike up, and ride into the shoulder (hopefully there is a shoulder!). 10 out 10 times, they could have leaned the bike over WAY farther and easily made the corner. The bike is way better than the brain thinks it is.
This is one of the reasons I advocate track days. I will lean way further and go faster on the track than I will on the street. I know I just did this turn less than two minutes ago and being as no one is using any flags, it means it's going to be exactly the same as it was the last time I went through. I don't know this on the street, is there oil, gravel, a pothole, etc? However, having leaned harder and ridden faster on the track, when I come through a corner and it's tighter than expected, I'll still get that "Oh crap" moment but I'm usually able to keep my head and remember that I've been harder, faster, and leanier than I am right now, and I'm able to push it through with no ill effects.

Having that knowledge and confidence in your bike can pay off big in those moments.


Gixxerjasen comes through again. Wish you would have said that earlier so it could have been included in the cartoon. Maybe the sequel?

I am definately using that! (with your permission of course) Cause I am looking for a bike that is leanier.

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If nothing else we have gotten some great new words and terms from this. Leanier is very good but my favorite has been Flatlandistan. I have been using it and hope that Mr. Twisty does not mind. As I have been riding my bike to work I tell myself, "I just want to go fast!" I even hear it in that ridiculous voice from that cartoon. This has been pretty good entertainment.

I'm not going to stake any claim on leanier. I'll just quietly hope someone else has used it before me. I won't watch the vid though just so ya know. Those things drive me nuts. And yea, I live smack in the middle of Flatlandistan. I just about have to do half an iron butt to get to anything that doesn't resemble flatlandistan.

Well, this video was my first road in Arkansas yesterday - 14 west of Harrison headin to Push Mountain Road - just getting warmed up. Since then I've put on 750 miles of twisties the last two days and I completely understand the point the OP is making. I am with some very experienced guys on liter bikes and we are having fun but I could use just a bit more lean angle. Having said that, I've spent a lot of time leading the group and there's no shortage of fun anyone is having because of that. While I am able to go pretty quick keeping my butt in the seat, I am able to go only marginally faster when hanging way off, and that does get a little old when you are hitting thousands of turns in daily route. Having said that, LOVE the FJR as always. Tearing the shit out of the PR2 / PR3 combo I have though.

If I ever drag a peg on the FJ, I'll be heading back to the house to change underwear. :blink:
It's just a little grinding noise. Being able to use ALL of your available lean angle is like being able to use ALL of your brakes. You don't want the first time you do it to be out of necessity. People practice the braking. The leaning, not so much.

One of the most common single bike wrecks in the canyons is like so: rider enters corner and thinks he is too hot. They lean as far as they are comfortable, but they are still swinging wide. They panic, stand the bike up, and ride into the shoulder (hopefully there is a shoulder!). 10 out 10 times, they could have leaned the bike over WAY farther and easily made the corner. The bike is way better than the brain thinks it is.

I know I am not out of tire yet when my pegs touch down. It's just a noise that let's me know I am coming to the end of my available clearance. I actually still have more, as indicated my the responders who have dragged other things beyond the pegs, yet still not crashed.

Anyway, I advocate learning to lean the bike at least as far as it takes to touch the pegs. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be hauling ass to drag pegs, you just gotta lean more. You can scrape them in roundabouts at 30 mph if you want. Practicing this will not only give you more margin, but will train your brain to not panic when the situation comes up and you need these skills to avoid a crash.

I may be wrong, but I doubt it! (cred to Sir Charles).
nicely done!

Well, this video was my first road in Arkansas yesterday - 14 west of Harrison headin to Push Mountain Road - just getting warmed up. Since then I've put on 750 miles of twisties the last two days and I completely understand the point the OP is making. I am with some very experienced guys on liter bikes and we are having fun but I could use just a bit more lean angle. Having said that, I've spent a lot of time leading the group and there's no shortage of fun anyone is having because of that. While I am able to go pretty quick keeping my butt in the seat, I am able to go only marginally faster when hanging way off, and that does get a little old when you are hitting thousands of turns in daily route. Having said that, LOVE the FJR as always. Tearing the shit out of the PR2 / PR3 combo I have though.


you are a hoon.

and you sir ROCK.

Be advised that you will now be labeled a bad person for such behavior by a certain majority of members of this forum. (and that's ok... because THIS IS AMERICA! the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE)

That said there are those of us who truly enjoy the exceptionally broad capabilities of a the truly submlime FJR...

it does so many things well...

if you enjoy long road, nice and easy, this is the bike for you.

if you enjoy shredding and technical riding, it's still gotcha covered.

thanks for the video.

i truly hope we get to ride together someday.


now can't we all just get along!??

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nice vids, and can I say that I am actually sad, yet relieved, to see that this thread finally went dead... that was a riot!!
you guys were killing me. for chrissakes, now i can to get back to work...

I mentioned the Supermoto T or SMT from KTM. Here's a couple of threads from a member who recently picked one up.



Thanx again for legitimate answers to the repeated question, bike suggestions please!

Obviously, based on some responses, I have been enjoying this thread from an entertainment perspective in addition to a learning tool. You are a respectable man and great american for trying to keep us on track. Bless you!
Like GixxerJason I too own both a FZ1 and an FJR. Quick story - I had been riding 600 sport bikes for 30 years but decided finally that I wanted to ride to places more than an hour away and needed a more comfortable seating position. I stumbled across the FZ1 forum and got hooked and found a brand new '08 for a good price. So I pick up the FZ, ride it around town like my usual habit for 6-7 months, then decide its time to take off on a day trip to Yosemite that ended up lasting nearly 18 hours, with probably 10 of it in the seat. I knew right then that I needed even more comfort - taking the wind blast off of an FZ1 at 80mph on the freeway for 3 hours when the temps are dropping and wind picking up is not the greatest experience (in my humble opinion).

So now I pick up the FJR - another '08, this time used but low miles at a steal of a price. This thing is great for touring, and can rip if you push it. I've now got it fully rigged up for long distance with cruise control, heated gear, some entry-level farkles, Russell seat, bar risers, etc.... I've not spent a dollar on performance mods - I've already done that to the FZ1 and that's what I prefer to ride when its time to tear around.

I like having the two bikes - I really wouldn't want to commute on the FJR every day. I spend about 30 minutes each way lane splitting, and its simply too big and heavy for me to be comfortable in tight spaces. But if the truth were told, I probably never would have bought the FZ1 had I bought the FJR first. If I had to do it all over again I'd have bought the FJR first to satisfy the craving for longer-range touring, then upgraded from 600cc to some kind of liter-size sport bike (the RSV4 and the S1000RR are calling my name now).

Don't know if that's of any use, but its my $0.02


I'm still partial to my "Feed the Machine" ride video. North Georgia Twisties...Beautiful Fall Color...Clear Cool Mountain Air...The Aroma of Fresh Burning Firewood...Perfect Road Conditions...The Hum of High RPM's...The Smooth Swaying of the FJR in the Corners...Priceless! :yahoo:

Lean angle issues??? :blink: ...No Way Jose! ;) ....besides a peg scrap every now & again is good for the soul! lol

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