Signup For E. KY Ride April 11-14th

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hey, me again. any problem with me meeting up with you all as you come thru here and tagging along that day? woulh love to put some faces to or no.
Sure, which day were you thinking of meeting up? The route has evolved and we won't be at Hungry Mother any more (although your right, that area is great!). We will still be at Breaks on Sunday, but that is really the last day of the ride.

Pointed out to me by Borrec, there is an article on E.KY in Road Runner Magazine.

Here are some of the pictures. Sounds like the author did some great offroading, which we obviously won't see, but.... well take a look.


Note the pictures of Nada Tunnel. We will ride though there on Friday afternoon!

Sinpet from the article.

"The wondrous back roads of Eastern Kentucky unravel in crazy-quilt complexity. Hewn from time-scarred mountains and rising and falling along creek bottoms and ancient hunting trails, they wriggle in madcap fashion through boundless forests and hidden hollows. To a motorcyclist, it's country like this that represents the finest form of intoxication there is."

Oh GAWD, please make it April!!!!!

Oh GAWD, please make it April!!!!!
I definitely plan to get into the mountains soon. Cabin fever is hitting hard.

Very nice pictures here. I was wondering what kind of riding I'd be in for in Kentucky.

Keith, please plan a picture stop for all of us at Nada Tunnel.

Keith, please plan a picture stop for all of us at Nada Tunnel.
Picture stop? Picture Stop!

What am I supposed to do while you guys are taking pictures? Ride around the parking lot in circles?

jk :)

Hey Keith, you might want to change the reference to "Haulin Ashe & GF". She'll be the first one to point that out. Can't blame her either.


Don't worry so much about Haulin' A Trailer Ashe & GF. He knows there will be picture stops.

Keith, please plan a picture stop for all of us at Nada Tunnel.
Picture stop? Picture Stop!

What am I supposed to do while you guys are taking pictures? Ride around the parking lot in circles?

jk :)

Hey Keith, you might want to change the reference to "Haulin Ashe & GF". She'll be the first one to point that out. Can't blame her either.

No, your going to do passes back and forth for the photo op! We need some good pics to post on the ride report, and we will need some action shots!

Fixed, GF sounded too boring so I got creative. Let me know if she is opposed to her new title! :D

hey, me again. any problem with me meeting up with you all as you come thru here and tagging along that day? woulh love to put some faces to or no.
Sure, which day were you thinking of meeting up? The route has evolved and we won't be at Hungry Mother any more (although your right, that area is great!). We will still be at Breaks on Sunday, but that is really the last day of the ride.

Hey, have power, don't have power, have power, dont, do. AEP doing their best, I hope it is back on for good. Natural Bridge is a short jaunt up 81 from Salem. I have not checked out your route yet, but any where between Natural Bridge and here and probabily breaking (no pun) off at Breaks heading back up to Salem. I, at this point do not know how much time I will have, but that leg is right by me. I will let you know for sure closer to the date of the ride. I will just be riding with you for one leg and not staying the night anywhere.

Not to hijack the thread, but I will be planning a solo ride to the Rosebud Reservation in SD this fall and my route usually takes me right thru Louisville. I will probably be asking for some good diversions around the KY area to get off interstate for a while. Don't bother replying now as this is not the place.

Lovely Lady says "Oh no, the pressure is on now!".

I told her being a Lovely Lady in our presence will not be hard.


As the Marines say, she's GTG!

I wonder which one of you thinks me to be lost. When I saw the words Breaks, Natural Bridge and Virginia, I assumed you meant Natural Bridge off of 81 here in Virgina. I finally figured out you were talking of a completely different Natural Bridge. I read through and did not see any links to your route which I admit could be my lack of attention. So I, being the adventerous type, may still be able to meet up with you on the very last leg. I'll keep checking back every once-in-a-while an keep you all posted.

I wonder which one of you thinks me to be lost. When I saw the words Breaks, Natural Bridge and Virginia, I assumed you meant Natural Bridge off of 81 here in Virgina. I finally figured out you were talking of a completely different Natural Bridge.
I had the same problem the first few times I read these posts. I kept trying to determine why a ride to Natural Bridge VA near Damascus VA would be called an East KY ride. That's why I figured they must mean KY lube, not Kentucky. But sure enough, there's a Natural Bridge State Park in Kentucky.

Natural Bridge State Park, KY

Scab still thinks it means a new brand of lube called East KY. So shhhhh, don't tell him any different. I want to see how long he'll follow the GPS file I sent him before questioning exactly what will happen that weekend.


I also read the routing as Natural Bridge in VA

You's a good feeling to find out that you are not crazy....or at least there are others....the inmates are running the asylum.

Lovely though she is, I still think a correction to the listing needs to be made. I understand her original protests to the "GF" terminology. I mean, GF could be interpreted as so insignificant. Her importance is much, much more than just a GF. I can't reveal my sources, but peeps are talking. The word on the street would require a correction as such:

3. Luvtoride / Haulin Ashe and Fiance

Trailer Ashe
I like that name. Makes me feel "up-town."

Scab still thinks it means a new brand of lube called East KY.
Whut? You mean it doesn't??? WTF? Now what kind of souvenir am I to bring home?

I'm soooo glad ya'll are still having fun with all this trailer and fiance BS.

Keep it up and I'm gonna whip out the 4'12" pole dancer from her cage and turn her loose on you.

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Keep it up and I'm gonna whip out the 4'12" pole dance from her cage and turn her loose on you.
I'm thinking that Scab might be happy about that. Got something to offer that might actually frighten him?

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