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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Cejay

    FJR and Computers

    I allays carry a laptop, lately it is an EEEpc but it matters not, protext it from the environment and it will be fine... Cejay
  2. Cejay

    The Other Half

    Twas a sunset at the 90 mile long beach, had to wait for the tide to turn to continue a trip in my 4WD... Cejay
  3. Cejay

    The Other Half

    Cheers Jack... Hope to be on the road soon, will be updating on a near daily basis with lots of pix and hopefully some amusing stories. Cejay
  4. Cejay

    The Other Half

    Hi guys Long time no speak, have been busy with study, did not want to get sidetracked. Anyways it looks like I am going to start a new venture soon and once that happens I will not have much time for anything hopefully.... So talkin' with the special one in my life, I suggested that I should...
  5. Cejay

    since I had the camera out today...

    Top set up mate, ya gotta love a guy that is prepared, over here when we go bush whether on 2 or 4 wheels we have to look at it the same way... Cejay
  6. Cejay

    FJR A or FJR AE for $ 11.500

    Forget about the price of ae v a, ride the fuckka and decide for your self. I have the equvalent to an ae in Oz and am more than happy, but many ppl feel that the a is the bike for them. Do not llet price sway your judgement, you have to live with your decision for a long time so think long...
  7. Cejay

    AE owners past and present

    do they still make the FJR with a clutch lever, if so why? I have put 17,000klms on mine and have since removed the foot change pedal... Paddle shift is the way to go, don't worry about the hype, its all in the wrist action Cejay
  8. Cejay

    Today was a hard day

    Hi guys, I really feel for you, I have not had a decent ride myself in the last few weeks but have had the opportunity to ride 18 miles to and from work, admittedlly the temp has been up to 38 celsius but a ride is still a ride. I am planning on a short (800klm) trip to Philip Island this...
  9. Cejay

    Cruise Control

    Fitted MC Cruise on my 07AE just after purchase, yes it was expensive, but two weeks later went for a bit of a ride, 10,000klms plus and it was an absolute bonus. I would not be without it now. Not only does it keep you safe from the Pleez orifice but it does save the right wrist and will save...
  10. Cejay

    Why else would ya have a bike

    Sitting out in the Bikeport on Saturday evening with the mercury sitting on 34.8 and Jacqui on the way down to Subway for my six inch steak and cheese melt. SWMBO had decided she wanted to watch a movie on the new LCD, (the old CRT widescreen gave up the ghost last week) but I thought naaa, a...
  11. Cejay

    license plates

    Self explanatory but this is me
  12. Cejay

    Coonamble Amble

    Let me know when you are coming over, will meet up for a coldie, coffee, or whatever cranks the bear... Cejay Good read Thommo, you hid that hangover pretty well on Saturday Morning...did I fall over at some point? had a big bruise on my arse not sure if someone tried to take advantage of my...
  13. Cejay

    Coonamble Amble

    Thanks mike, have some vid from the dirt run and will post as soon as I reduce the file size. As far as dirt is concerned, it is all in a days work for us down unda... Glad you enjoyed the yarn.. Cejay
  14. Cejay

    Decision Pending

    i was almost settled mate!
  15. Cejay

    Starting in 2nd Gear (AE Model)

    I have no problems with the first to second change or any other for that matter, the shift has become second nature now after 15,000 plus klms. When travelling slow or in traffic I find the smoothest change is had by not dipping the throttle and also not concentrating to much on the change...
  16. Cejay

    Thinking of AE?

    Only you can decide whether the AE or AS as it is designated in Oz. I bought mine last October and had not even ridden one, I had a test ride on a 2005 FJR, but being a bit of a gadget man opted for the AS/AE. I now have ove 15,000 klms on the clock and I can't remember the last time I used...
  17. Cejay

    Coonamble Amble

    Thanks for the words of encouragement, I enjoy writing about the rides almost as much as the ride.
  18. Cejay

    Decision Pending

    Went back to work today, the job is not so bad, we are making plans for our next ride and setting up the calendar for the summer Rallies. Life is good once again, swings and roundabouts I suppose. Cejay
  19. Cejay

    Decision Pending

    Jacqui already has her bike, purchased prior to Xmas We have had a few day rides, Jacqui also used to have an 1100 Virago and has done a number of 2K plus long weekenders with me. Cejay
  20. Cejay

    Coonamble Amble

    Cheers mate, will hold you to that one day. Have a dream to ride across the states. Cejay