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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Vamirr

    I never thought I'd say this, but:

    He got me with that one too.
  2. Vamirr

    Shift Fork Wear / Worn Dogs?

    My 08 (26k) has the same problem. It started out where it would just pop out of gear on high RPM in second with no other behavior. Since that started, I short shift that gear at under 3,000 rpm. For about the last 2,000 miles or so, there are times when it's darn near impossible to shift the...
  3. Vamirr

    Clutch issue

    I guess I'll start. I've had the worst luck with my 08's clutch. I've done the procedure about four times now (within about a two year time), each time all but two plates are dry, no goo, just bone dry. My advice would be to definitely take it in. My 08's had clutch issues its whole life and...
  4. Vamirr

    Gen II Grounding Harness Recall Poll

    This is where I'm at. After my first 'event' two weeks ago, I decided to take it in for the recall. I just got a call saying that Yamaha has back ordered the full harness with no ETA.
  5. Vamirr

    Say hello to my new friend!

    haha, Scott. I thought for sure this was going to be pictures of a new BMW K1600GT. Nice piece, regardless!
  6. Vamirr

    Linkage cover

    Glad to help, but don't thank me. Thank 2wheeldrift for putting in the design time!
  7. Vamirr

    Linkage cover

    This sounds like what you want.
  8. Vamirr

    Watch Out Newport News!

    Grabbed these yesterday. Sorry for the quality. They were taken from my 3 year old phone. :dribble: Better start looking for black....
  9. Vamirr

    I have been bitten too

    Got pics? Also, I'd be interested in knowing sort of electrical farkles were you running and how were they wired.
  10. Vamirr

    Heated Grip question

    I just put heated grips on my 08. Yeah.. I know I know... why did I wait this long... I'm not sure either. I've had the vstrom guards on for a while now, so I can't say how it is without them. I find that with that combination, I can wear my Fox Bomber motocross gloves (they're perforated)...
  11. Vamirr

    Does anyone elses TSB look like this?

    Thanks for the replies guys. I've got the restricters in line as had been mentioned a few times. I suppose it's the nature of the beast. And Howie, my sync was so bad after about an hour's worth of riding, my right knee would hurt something awful. Maybe yours doesn't do that, but it wouldn't...
  12. Vamirr

    Does anyone elses TSB look like this?

    Ok, so this bugs me every time I do a TBS. Having just done one and gotten pissed off, I thought I'd post this time. What I've got is a lot of movement between cylinders as shown by my carbtune. Everything I've seen from others doing the procedure looks so much smoother than this. My first...
  13. Vamirr

    Electrical Issue

    Reading this thread is interesting. I just got through the same thing. Brand new Westco battery wouldn't start the bike. Mine measured low out of the box. 11v IIRC. Charged it back to 14v and put it in the bike. Then all I got was a buzzing right handlebar when pressing the starter. Charged...
  14. Vamirr

    Replace the bearing?

    Have a look here. Get all the waxy gunk out and apply some lithium grease. The grease will help keep them from falling out while you get them situated. Just don't lose any in the process.
  15. Vamirr

    That Side-stand

    Wow, that was an intense read. I ended up with something like this for moments like that. At 5 inches, across, it's quite a bit bigger than the big foot, sometimes you need it.
  16. Vamirr

    Mirror relocation needed

    yeah, we just need someone to manufacture them.... ;)
  17. Vamirr

    Mirror relocation needed

    What you bums are thinking of is this. :santasmiley:
  18. Vamirr

    Might Build Another Big Tank

    it just takes one.... then they're hooked! :smokin:
  19. Vamirr

    FJR rental in San Fransico

    link- fixed it for ya! ;)
  20. Vamirr

    New FJR owner

    hahahaha, good luck. :lol: It's been said before windshield nirvana on the FJR is generally a quest, and not a destination. To add more to the mix, I recently went with the CeeBaily's +2 +6 w/flip and am liking it. It'll end up as my staple for the cooler months, with the stocker for the...