FJR Death Valley Daze: January 22-24 Great MC Ride!

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It's hard to believe that another major storm is on its way, because it was absolutely beautiful and warm here in Central Arizona. Orestes, SkooterG and Papa Chuy had a great ride to Tortilla Flat today; our bleach blonde tanning salon waitress had the most beautiful set of aftermarket boobs I have ever seen. Outstanding!!!

This Alzheimer's Stuff is something else, wasn't till we were outside at the bikes that Dave and Greg told me I'd actually given her a compliment for her nice rack!!!

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brief stop in Tonopah ... a bit of snow, heavy wind and a few icy spots but not bad
Hey, how's that car handle in the wind, anyway? :unsure:
Yeah, RJ, reach forward, tap the missus on the shoulder and ask her.
He can't tap her on the shoulder right now... She is outside the car putting on the chains! :yahoo:
I DON"T (YET) know who out'd me ...but when I find out ...... :)

Yes, in the cage with Kathy and Grace. This was our original plan for a few days -and it only made sense to tie in some fun at Longstreet -and my juvenile dna couldn't help but talk some smack.

Then the weather became questionable --Uhhh, and I had talked enough smack that I had no choice but to go it was either get through today in the cage or leave solo Saturday and (hopefully on the bike) meet up with y'all then. The weather left no other good options.

We picked our window today and made it .....quite a bit more snow than I expected south of Tonopah, that surprised me as I figured the snow would be north. Never more than a few inches, but it was windy the whole way, raining or snowing every inch of the way south of Tonopah. ...don't need to tell you guys about wind and rain.

Kathy is about to go to Bette Midler with her brother (uhh, me passed) so grace and I are groovin' vegas style.....

Saw a few interseting things on the way down .....I'll post pics later

Thanks for the fun .....ride fast, drive fast, walk fast ....however you decide to get to longstreet, just do it fast ----this is gunna be some serious good fun!!!

You not so sly ketteh


It's hard to believe that another major storm is on its way, because it was absolutely beautiful and warm here in Central Arizona. Orestes, SkooterG and Papa Chuy had a great ride to Tortilla Flat today; our bleach blonde tanning salon waitress had the most beautiful set of aftermarket boobs I have ever seen. Outstanding!!!
This Alzheimer's Stuff is something else, wasn't till we were outside at the bikes that Dave and Greg told me I'd actually given her a compliment for her nice rack!!!

Nice rack?,no!

This foul weather stuff, is all about FACE! :D

Don~Don, I love your attitude man! :fan_1:

You are the King :Rkingsmiley: of the DieHard FJR/BMW bikers on this one!

Hey, NO controlling the weather right? :unsure:

PS. I've never seen rain come down in buckets like it did today = EVER, and I've lived here in the California for 60 years as of day before yesterday!

Best of luck day after tomorrow! :clapping:

It'll probably :dirol: clear up into a sparkling clear weekend?

Bike is packed, we ride out in the morning.

Las Vegas here we come.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Bike is packed, we ride out in the morning.
Las Vegas here we come.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Mike, we Zonies will see you and Terri Friday afternoon at approximately 1600 hours at Longstreet Inn. Have a great ride and a real fun night in Las Vegas!

Were you and Terri also staying in Las Vegas on Sunday night? Rena and I are staying at The Paris and seeing the Bette Midler Concert at Caesar's on 1/24.

It's hard to believe that another major storm is on its way, because it was absolutely beautiful and warm here in Central Arizona. Orestes, SkooterG and Papa Chuy had a great ride to Tortilla Flat today; our bleach blonde tanning salon waitress had the most beautiful set of aftermarket boobs I have ever seen. Outstanding!!!
This Alzheimer's Stuff is something else, wasn't till we were outside at the bikes that Dave and Greg told me I'd actually given her a compliment for her nice rack!!!

Nice rack?,no!

This foul weather stuff, is all about FACE! :D

Don~Don, I love your attitude man! :fan_1:

You are the King :Rkingsmiley: of the DieHard FJR/BMW bikers on this one!

Hey, NO controlling the weather right? :unsure:

PS. I've never seen rain come down in buckets like it did today = EVER, and I've lived here in the California for 60 years as of day before yesterday!

Best of luck day after tomorrow! :clapping:

It'll probably :dirol: clear up into a sparkling clear weekend?
Buenos dias, Jorge!;FORM=MSNLAP Great news is that even though we Zonies will have a slog riding up to Death Valley on Friday; Saturday is going to be fantastic for riding Death Valley and we'll get great photos!

Bike is packed, we ride out in the morning.
Las Vegas here we come.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Mike, we Zonies will see you and Terri Friday afternoon at approximately 1600 hours at Longstreet Inn. Have a great ride and a real fun night in Las Vegas!

Were you and Terri also staying in Las Vegas on Sunday night? Rena and I are staying at The Paris and seeing the Bette Midler Concert at Caesar's on 1/24.
See you Friday Don, have to work Monday so we will ride home on Sunday.

Time to hit the road. We will let you know when we get to Vegas tonight.

Cell phone if anyone want's to leave a nasty message is 707-372-6477 or hook up for Breakfast tomorrow in Vegas.

Hey BeemerDonnie - it's really wet outside, this weather is something, huh? Boy, you sure know how to plan a ride - biggest storm in the last 475 years and all.

ps - I sure am glad I own an FJR so I can bow out gracefully! :rofl:
Guten Morgen Herr D. Carver! Wie gehts? Blut und Eisen - Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Wollt ihr ihn, wenn notig, totaler und radikaler, als wir ihn uns heute uberhaupt erst vorstellen konnen? Nun, Volk, steh auf und Sturm brich los! We BMW riders roll at dawn tomorrow, Richtig! Mit ihr sehr gut FJR komraden!

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You not so sly ketteh
LOL 10-4thanks for the fun.

Bike is packed, we ride out in the morning.
Las Vegas here we come.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Mike, we Zonies will see you and Terri Friday afternoon at approximately 1600 hours at Longstreet Inn. Have a great ride and a real fun night in Las Vegas!

Were you and Terri also staying in Las Vegas on Sunday night? Rena and I are staying at The Paris and seeing the Bette Midler Concert at Caesar's on 1/24.
See you Friday Don, have to work Monday so we will ride home on Sunday.

Time to hit the road. We will let you know when we get to Vegas tonight.

Cell phone if anyone want's to leave a nasty message is 707-372-6477 or hook up for Breakfast tomorrow in Vegas.
Mike, GREAT to see you two are making it .....I'd be open for breakfast in LV tomorrow. I'm up in Southerlin but can easily get to wherever to meet up with you. That would be some good fun

couple random notes:

+Me thinks I'll be lengthen my stay to include Sunday night -watch football and such all day --I'll likely get a room on the strip. Fairlaner ....Hint hint nudge nudge ....wanna help me remodel Vegas on Sunday?

+BeemerDon --Kathy saw Bette Midler last night ....enjoyed the show

+++ I foresee some good fun at the Longstreet, Amargosa Valley is a special place and I'm sure looking to having some fun and seein' some folks.

You not so sly ketteh
LOL 10-4thanks for the fun.

Bike is packed, we ride out in the morning.
Las Vegas here we come.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Mike, we Zonies will see you and Terri Friday afternoon at approximately 1600 hours at Longstreet Inn. Have a great ride and a real fun night in Las Vegas!

Were you and Terri also staying in Las Vegas on Sunday night? Rena and I are staying at The Paris and seeing the Bette Midler Concert at Caesar's on 1/24.
See you Friday Don, have to work Monday so we will ride home on Sunday.

Time to hit the road. We will let you know when we get to Vegas tonight.

Cell phone if anyone want's to leave a nasty message is 707-372-6477 or hook up for Breakfast tomorrow in Vegas.
Mike, GREAT to see you two are making it .....I'd be open for breakfast in LV tomorrow. I'm up in Southerlin but can easily get to wherever to meet up with you. That would be some good fun

couple random notes:

+Me thinks I'll be lengthen my stay to include Sunday night -watch football and such all day --I'll likely get a room on the strip. Fairlaner ....Hint hint nudge nudge ....wanna help me remodel Vegas on Sunday?

+BeemerDon --Kathy saw Bette Midler last night ....enjoyed the show

+++ I foresee some good fun at the Longstreet, Amargosa Valley is a special place and I'm sure looking to having some fun and seein' some folks.
RenoJohn, I know you're a Tequila Aficionado; but, "Orestes" brought me a gift bottle of 10 year old Bushmills Single Malt Whiskey. You will have to have a dram or 20 of "Irish Mother's Milk" with us; you cannot go wrong with a beverage distilled since 1608. It is certainly a pity "Irlandes Felinus" (Irish Kitten) from Northern California will not be there; I do know that the other Mick on our FJR Forum, ShinyPartsUp, would have been there if he did not have to work! SPU's absolutely a true Irishman!

Alas, "Citrus Heights Irlandes Felinus" must be a Queer Irishman! A Queer Irishman is one who prefers women over whiskey; Aye Lad, that's truly Queer indeed!!!

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RenoJohn, I know you're a Tequila Aficionado; but, "Orestes" brought me a gift bottle of 10 year old Bushmills Single Malt Whiskey. You will have to have a dram or 20 of "Irish Mother's Milk" with us; you cannot go wrong with a beverage distilled since 1608. It is certainly a pity "Irlandes Felinus" (Irish Kitten) from Northern California will not be there; I do know that the other Mick on our FJR Forum, ShinyPartsUp, would have been there if he did not have to work! SPU's absolutely a true Irishman!
Alas, "Citrus Heights Irlandes Felinus" must be a Queer Irishman! A Queer Irishman is one who prefers women over whiskey; Aye Lad, that's truly Queer indeed!!!
well hurry up and get here with that single malt
As far as the fag you mention --I'm qualified to say (being that I have a good pour of irish in me) that ayone who prefers women over whiskey is not queer ....,.we have another word for that, we call that a "George Michael" Just ask Fairlaner

Well, girls, I just spoke to the folks at the Longstreet Inn. (I was calling them to make sure they had plenty of

vodka and grapefruit juice.)

The nice lady there said that the "weather" was to be hitting them today, and it was to get worse later.

I asked if the precip would be in the form of snow there, and she said maybe, but that you'd definitely be going

"through" snow and high winds to get there. Groovy.

Been riding for purt near 40 years now, thousands of those miles in rain and shitty weather, but I must admit,

it's become less and less appealing as the years pass.

So this girlie-man is OUT. (Pile on, ya bastards!)

I don't own a car, ...or a trailer,....or heated anything, so for me, that option is out.

Don, thanks so much for your superhuman efforts in assembling this get-together. My biggest regret is

not being able to thank you in person. You're a good man.

This weather is ridiculous, but it has our phones ringing off the hook, and I'm lucky enough to be working

some really long shifts the rest of the week. (Out in the rain, BTW.)

Have a great time! (Though, if it's just a bunch of Arizona/BMW/retirees, and a hick from NV, how much fun could it be? :blink: )


And brother Richard, I'll be riding south in the next few weeks, and hopefully we can do some lane-splitting together.

You owe me so many drinks, I'm losing track.


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I went out and bought a new camera to take on this trip, it just wouldn't bee right to let a little rain, snow, hail, ice and a tornado or two to stop me.

Will be pulling out tomorrow morning with bike on trailer. I will look around town to see if I can find a wheel chock for a motorcycle to install into my trailer. I'd prefer to build my own, but with my garage currently stuffed full of my daughters furniture, no way I can get to my welder.

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Still not a single freaking BMW rider has backed out!
Nor have any of the Buell riders either...those guys must have balls made of Titanium. :)

PS. Riding a BMW with all that fairing, heated seats, coffee makers and all that other overpriced German crap they bolt onto them is like riding in a car anyway. :)

I went out and bought a new camera to take on this trip, it just wouldn't bee right to let a little rain, snow, hail, ice and a tornado or two to stop me.
Looking forward to seeing those pix. The few hardy riders who are able to make this trip are going to have a blast. Please stay safe, come home safe and post lots of photos when you get back.

OM, if you're going to lane-share with Richard, you might need those drinks he owes you, BEFORE you go. If not, you'll certainly need them afterwards. Ever seen him lane share in the Audi? (Just kidding...... I think).

Been riding for purt near 40 years now, thousands of those miles in rain and shitty weather, but I must admit,it's become less and less appealing as the years pass.

So this girlie-man is OUT. (Pile on, ya bastards!)

I don't own a car, ...or a trailer,....or heated anything, so for me, that option is out.

This weather is ridiculous,

Watching the weather that they are having in California, with cars driving through 2-3' water makes me think I'll regret this trip also. But I'm hoping Saturday will turn out to be nice like last year. Of course the weather was no where near this year. My major concern is the snow that may be left over on the roads even if Saturday does turn out to be nice. I figure the DOT will be busy clearing the highly traveled roads and paying less attention to DV.

But, I'm only 252 miles from the Longstreet, so what the hell, I'll take the plunge! I do hope when I get there I don't find that I'm the only one there! That would suck! If I'm traveling in this shit, I want to share that experience with others!

brief stop in Tonopah ... a bit of snow, heavy wind and a few icy spots but not bad
Hey, how's that car handle in the wind, anyway? :unsure:
Yeah, RJ, reach forward, tap the missus on the shoulder and ask her.
He can't tap her on the shoulder right now... She is outside the car putting on the chains! :yahoo:
I DON"T (YET) know who out'd me ...but when I find out ...... :)

Yes, in the cage with Kathy and Grace. This was our original plan for a few days -and it only made sense to tie in some fun at Longstreet -and my juvenile dna couldn't help but talk some smack.


Nothing but a guess RenoJohn, no one outed you. I concluded you were caging it cause you were smackin' louder than you usually do - so something had to be up. :****: there goes another hero into kitten status. Wimp! Did mamma drive you while you nursed the baby? Eeee-ouch! :rolleyes: :rofl:

Hey BeemerDonnie - it's really wet outside, this weather is something, huh? Boy, you sure know how to plan a ride - biggest storm in the last 475 years and all.

ps - I sure am glad I own an FJR so I can bow out gracefully! :rofl:
Guten Morgen Herr D. Carver! Wie gehts? Blut und Eisen - Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Wollt ihr ihn, wenn notig, totaler und radikaler, als wir ihn uns heute uberhaupt erst vorstellen konnen? Nun, Volk, steh auf und Sturm brich los! We BMW riders roll at dawn tomorrow, Richtig! Mit ihr sehr gut FJR komraden!
huh? I need a translator after the first sentence!
RJ i am in for Sunday night, we need to talk the visiting Limey into visiting with us........ :drinks: :drinks:

I will probably do the Mirage at $89 a night.

OM what can i say that i have not said already. :bye: :bye2: :bye: and good luck with that lane sharing thing.

See you tomorrow.


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