FJR Death Valley Daze: January 22-24 Great MC Ride!

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Since this years DVD is turning out to be a piece of cake, perhaps next year we can go somewhere really challenging, like Fairbanks in January and we'll do DVD in late July or early August (atgatt)!!

Guten Morgen Herr D. Carver! Wie gehts? Blut und Eisen - Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Wollt ihr ihn, wenn notig, totaler und radikaler, als wir ihn uns heute uberhaupt erst vorstellen konnen? Nun, Volk, steh auf und Sturm brich los! We BMW riders roll at dawn tomorrow, Richtig! Mit ihr sehr gut FJR komraden!
I sure wish when you illegals sneak into AZ you'd learn to speak English.
Since this years DVD is turning out to be a piece of cake, perhaps next year we can go somewhere really challenging, like Fairbanks in January and we'll do DVD in late July or early August (atgatt)!!
I hear Tierra del Fuego is nice in the Winter. :)
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Guten Morgen Herr D. Carver! Wie gehts? Blut und Eisen - Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Wollt ihr ihn, wenn notig, totaler und radikaler, als wir ihn uns heute uberhaupt erst vorstellen konnen? Nun, Volk, steh auf und Sturm brich los! We BMW riders roll at dawn tomorrow, Richtig! Mit ihr sehr gut FJR komraden!
I sure wish when you illegals sneak into AZ you'd learn to speak English.
I dunno, makes perfect sense to me :)

RJ i am in for Sunday night, we need to talk the visiting Limey into visiting with us........ :drinks: :drinks:
I will probably do the Mirage at $89 a night.

See you tomorrow.

" Limey "(?) .....ok, but you'll have to translate, you'll recall I speak Nevadan, not euro.
Sure, I think a day in Vegas with the likes of you and I -->that "Limey" should crawl back home void of all money, self-respect and honor.

I just booked a room at Harrah's on the strip for Sunday night. I'll be spending a good part of Sunday watching football (uhh, real football, -NOT that that phag euro variety) -No concerns where I watch other than obedient bartenders are a must. Go Jets.

Looking forward to it Dick, Richard, whatever.


I leave Richard out of this because he made it clear he might drive the car. But those of you that were trash talking well I'll be there on my bike you big bunch of pussies. :bleh:

Bunch of talkers....

OM I guess it is not cards that we meet in person. I was looking forward to playing hide the taquito. No, I didn't forget. :wub:

And Wheaton - Gorillas have very small penises.

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So this girlie-man is OUT. (Pile on, ya bastards!)

First I want to thank Beemerdon for taking the time to put together this shindig.... Sorry that the weather is not cooperating. I truly hope everyone that does go arrives there safe and returns home sober and in one piece....Hoist a beer for us girlie boys that decided to fight another day!

So you know, I just got off the phone with my wife who is stuck at Ontario airport hoping to get back to the bay area today. Her flight has been canceled and she was told that both San Diego and Phoenix airports are closed. Rich

*leaves a saucer of milk out for OM and a pinch of catnip*
Old Michael, I'd have to believe: That you fully understand this is just the opening salvo in a full scale artillery barrage that Miss barb will be raining down upon you!

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That looks like the French team.......
Wow...old michael has betrayed his homeland and joined the French. :huh:


Don't let the reports of horrible rain ruin your fun. If you go through a little adversity, it makes the memories a little sweeter.

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AZ Dudes:

I assume your coming up AZ 95 through Havasu right? The fuel will be extremely cheaper than the CA side.

Talking with Gregg yesterday, His range is somewhat less than ours, And i have it in my head for your fuel stops...

Quartzsite, Then the Pilot at AZ 95 & I-40, Then Vegas.

If this works for y'all, What time to predict to be in Havasu? I will rendezvous with the group there.

Call me with updates as needed anytime.



That looks like the French team.......
Wow...old michael has betrayed his homeland and joined the French. :huh:


Don't let the reports of horrible rain ruin your fun. If you go through a little adversity, it makes the memories a little sweeter.
WheatonFJR: A Manly Man's Man! Good work, Wheatie!!!

AZ Dudes:
I assume your coming up AZ 95 through Havasu right? The fuel will be extremely cheaper than the CA side.

Talking with Gregg yesterday, His range is somewhat less than ours, And i have it in my head for your fuel stops...

Quartzsite, Then the Pilot at AZ 95 & I-40, Then Vegas.

If this works for y'all, What time to predict to be in Havasu? I will rendezvous with the group there.

Call me with updates as needed anytime.


Adam, You're right on the money, that's indeed the routing and those will be our fuel stops. Assuming departure from Cracker Barrel at 0730, this would put us in Lake Havasu at 1100. I'll call you from my cell of 480-440-4666 at Quartzsite; if I don't get you live on the phone, will call you again from Havasu City! Manana, ese.

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